Factors That Influence The Effectiveness Of Visual Alarm Devices

Groundbreaking Research on Visual Alarm Devices Published by Building Research Establishment in Collaboration with the Fire Industry Association. Discover the latest advancements in fire safety through the Building Research Establishment (BRE)'s newly released research on the effectiveness of Visual Alarm Devices (VADs). Sponsored by the Fire Industry Association (FIA) and its members, this comprehensive study examines five critical factors influencing VAD performance, providing key insights for updating fire safety standards.

Factors That Influence The Effectiveness Of Visual Alarm Devices2024-08-27T07:48:13+00:00

Company Directors Fined £125,000 After Successful Fire Safety Prosecution

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service is urging property owners to comply with fire safety regulations, highlighting the serious consequences of non-compliance following a recent court case. On 15 July 2024, directors of a residential care company were fined £124,455 in total.

Company Directors Fined £125,000 After Successful Fire Safety Prosecution2024-08-19T08:30:56+00:00

Another UK Fire Service Revises Its AFA Protocol

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (OFRS) is the latest to revise its response protocol for automatic fire alarms (AFAs) at certain premises. Starting 10 October 2024, OFRS will only respond to AFAs if the building is classified as high-risk, a fire has been confirmed, or there are clear signs of a fire.

Another UK Fire Service Revises Its AFA Protocol2024-08-06T11:58:48+00:00
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