Posted January 9, 2013

SS Systems have gained approval from the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group (EIG) for the installation of security systems to help prevent the theft of lead from church roofs.

The price of lead has risen significantly in recent times which has sent churches into a grip of crisis with roofs being stripped for their valuable lead tiles. The cost of these thefts in the UK is currently estimated at £50m annually, with one insurer paying almost £9.4m in 2007.

Repeat theft is also an added problem, with Congregational statistics showing that thieves often return very quickly after an initial theft, with a 1 in 3 chance of churches being targeted again.  The cost of replacing the stolen metal and repairing the damage caused during the theft can run into tens of thousands of pounds.

S S Systems are reminding churches of the importance of taking preventative steps to protect their buildings from metal theft and offer simple yet effective systems to protect their most vulnerable areas.

Should you require any further details or a free quotation please do not hesitate to contact us on 0845 402 3046.