Posted August 5, 2024

Another UK Fire Service Revises Its AFA Protocol

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (OFRS) is the latest to revise its response protocol for automatic fire alarms (AFAs) at certain premises. Starting 10 October 2024, OFRS will only respond to AFAs if the building is classified as high-risk, a fire has been confirmed, or there are clear signs of a fire.

Mainstream media reports indicate that about 99% of AFAs that OFRS attends are false alarms, commonly due to inadequate maintenance, poor staff training, or outdated fire risk assessments. These false alarms, also known as unnecessary fire alarms (UFAs), divert critical resources. The new policy exempts high-risk premises such as care homes, hospitals, and buildings vital to local communities, which will continue to receive an emergency response.

“We are not proposing any changes to our response to incidents in people’s homes or confirmed fires. High-risk buildings are those housing vulnerable people, providing sleeping accommodation, or considered critical community assets. These include structures that pose significant risks to firefighter or community safety, animal safety, or the environment,” OFRS added.

OFRS highlights several benefits of reducing false alarms, such as increasing overall safety by ensuring alarms are taken seriously, minimising business disruptions, freeing up resources for real emergencies, and reducing the risk of road accidents during emergency responses. In conjunction with the new policy, OFRS has advised businesses to:

  • Maintain and regularly inspect fire alarm systems
  • Train staff to investigate alarms before contacting emergency services
  • Update fire safety protocols and inform employees of changes
  • Consult with insurance providers about the new policy

Additionally, businesses are encouraged to minimise false alarms by updating outdated systems, revising fire safety risk assessments, and installing protective covers on manual call points. OFRS is not alone in this approach. Scotland Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) implemented a similar policy in July 2023, which resulted in a reduction of 52 unnecessary callouts per day, according to a recent report by the Fire Protection Association (FPA).

Any publicity relating to commercial fire safety and the factors relating to securing a safe environment for people and property is always a welcome reminder to assess and evaluate your own circumstances. SS Systems are available for a consultation focused on your environment and scenario. Complete the enquiry form or call one of our advisers for more information.

#FireAlarms #FireRiskAssessment #FireSafetyEquipment #FireAlarmMaintenance #AccessControl #CCTV

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