Posted August 27, 2024

Factors That Influence The Effectiveness Of Visual Alarm Devices

Groundbreaking Research on Visual Alarm Devices Published by Building Research Establishment in Collaboration with the Fire Industry Association. Discover the latest advancements in fire safety through the Building Research Establishment (BRE)’s newly released research on the effectiveness of Visual Alarm Devices (VADs). Sponsored by the Fire Industry Association (FIA) and its members, this comprehensive study examines five critical factors influencing VAD performance, providing key insights for updating fire safety standards.

BRE has published a detailed briefing paper summarising three phases of pivotal research into VAD effectiveness. Generously sponsored by the FIA with a £35,000 contribution and additional support from many FIA members, this research involved sponsorship, valuable advice, VAD products, and expert input.

This project exemplifies the collaborative effort and commitment of the FIA to support evidence-based standardisation within the fire safety industry. The partnership aligns perfectly with the FIA’s goals, highlighting the importance of rigorous research in developing standards that enhance public safety.

The research focuses on five key factors influencing VAD effectiveness:

  1. Effects of Wall Surfaces
  2. Direct or Indirect Presentation to People
  3. Red and White VAD Colours
  4. Background Light Levels
  5. Pulse Durations

The findings from this research are expected to provide essential evidence for updating the 2012 revision of the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) Code of Practice CoP 0001. This crucial document, referenced in BS 5839-1, offers guidance on the effective use of VAD’s to alert individuals during a fire alarm.

The publication of this research marks a significant milestone in the fire safety industry, promising to improve the understanding and implementation of VADs. By incorporating these findings, future updates to the LPCB CoP 0001 will ensure that fire alarm systems are more effective in drawing attention and prompting timely evacuations, ultimately saving lives.

The FIA and its members have demonstrated their dedication to advancing fire safety through research and innovation. This collaborative project with BRE not only underscores the importance of industry partnerships but also reinforces the critical role of evidence-based research in shaping safety standards. The full briefing paper can be found on the FIA website. For direct consultation on visual alarm devices related to fire safety, please contact our team to discuss your commercial needs.

#FireAlarms #FireRiskAssessment #FireSafetyEquipment #FireAlarmMaintenance #AccessControl #CCTV

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