Posted August 29, 2023

Fire Safety Concerns & Broken Alarms Raise Alarm Bells at Bedford Oasis Beach Pool.

A recent news item regarding a UK based swimming pool highlighted the need for an all round adherence to health and safety standards including fire health and safety. Recent developments at a swimming pool in Bedford, UK, have underscored the critical importance of maintaining comprehensive health and safety standards, including those related to fire safety. An inspection conducted by the Bedford Borough Council on August 3 and 4 has prompted concerns regarding fire safety measures and the functionality of emergency panic alarms at Bedford’s Oasis Beach Pool, managed by Fusion Lifestyle.

The inspection brought to light significant issues that require immediate attention. Notably, fire exits were found to be obstructed, casting doubts on the pool’s ability to effectively handle fire-related emergencies. In response to this alarming discovery, the inspector swiftly engaged the Bedfordshire and Luton Fire Service to assess the situation.

Moreover, the inspector’s report revealed a lack of hot water across the entire facility, encompassing customer toilets and showers. Communication, received by the council’s Environmental Health and Trading Standards department on July 31, stating that there had been no hot water available at the venue since January 2023. This communication also raised concerns about malfunctioning panic alarms, potentially jeopardizing public safety.

These concerns highlight the urgency for immediate corrective action to address fire safety issues and ensure the repair of malfunctioning panic alarms at Bedford Oasis Beach Pool. Additionally, worries were expressed about unauthorised access to restricted areas by the public and an unlocked cleaning cupboard in the changing village.

The gravity of the situation was further emphasised by a notice issued to the operators, dated January 17, 2022, indicating that previous concerns had been brought to their attention. However, during the recent inspection, it was evident that adequate measures had not been taken to guarantee the health and safety of both employees and the public.

This case highlights the need for a complete review, not just fire related elements. SS Systems offer Fire Risk Assessments, Fire Safety Equipment, Fire Alarms, Intruder Alarms, Access Control, Maintenance and Monitoring Services as a complete combined solution. All of these services would apply to swimming pools and leisure facilities across the UK.

#FireAlarms #FireRiskAssessment #FireSafetyEquipment #FireAlarmMaintenance

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