Posted February 8, 2023

Fire Doors Legislation Update. 

Did you know, in 2021, three-quarters of fire doors inspected did not meet the required standard. This means a staggering 75% of buildings were not effectively protecting the people within them, putting lives at risk in the event of a fire.

Fire doors are an integral part of any building’s passive fire protection system.

They create a barrier from fire and toxic smoke, preventing rapid spread around a building during a fire.

This keeps damage to smaller areas, allowing for evacuation, and stay put & safe access for the emergency services.

All fire doors in communal areas of the building must be checked at least every three months.

Typically, these doors will include:

  • Doors to stairways and stairway lobbies
  • Cross-corridor doors, which sub-divide corridors
  • Doors to storage and electrical equipment cupboards
  • Doors to riser shafts, within which various services run

To ensure you are fully up to date with latest regulations we recommend you review the following links

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 – GOV.UK (

Be Compliant. Book A Fire Safety Audit.

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