Posted October 10, 2022

Employee training and development.

We believe, employee training and development is vital to the growth of any company. And by investing in our team to help cultivate their skills, the company can improve on overall performance.

SS Systems aims to create a culture that motivates and encourages all of our employees to be the best they can be. And achieve both personal success and career rewards, which benefits everyone.

Nothing feels greater than seeing individuals grow and develop, creating opportunities to enhance their careers within the company.

With that said, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Finance Director, Michelle Reynolds, for finishing her Master’s Degree of Business Administration in Leadership.

SS Systems are so proud of Michelle and realise this has been no easy task. Balancing the heavy demands of her role here, with an additional 15-20 hours of weekly study.

It’s finally come to an end (much to her relief). And we look forward to seeing Michelle put her new training and development to good use, within the crucial roles Michelle has within SS Systems.

An overview from Michelle, of her journey in achieving her Master’s Degree

The Course

The online course with Lincoln University consisted of 8 modules. including leading organisational change, marketing and stakeholder engagement, leading and developing people, finance, governance and risk management and innovation and entrepreneurial thinking.

Research Project

As part of the programme, each student was assigned a support group with which they discuss key issues, debate and learn together.

At the end of the course undertake business research for their dissertation. My chosen research project was entitled, “An investigation into the HR strategy required by an SME to meet increasing labour demands in a post COVID-19 world”.

The Experience

“It was certainly a challenge to balance a demanding job and busy home life with studying. I’ve always wanted to do an MBA, so when Andrew said the business would finance it, I jumped at the chance.

It’s been a great experience. Not just from a learning perspective but also meeting new people.

I’ve been working with a great set of people from across the world (remotely of course), each with different backgrounds and experiences.

They’ve challenged me and supported me through the whole process, as have Lincoln University. I couldn’t have done this without their support. It has been one of the most challenging, but most rewarding experiences in my life. And I’m so grateful to SS Systems for the opportunity.”

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